Open mHealth to HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide CI Build

Open mHealth to FHIR - Local Development build (v0.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

OMH to FHIR Mapping

Mapping OMH Schema Mappings to FHIR Elements

Measurements such as steps or heart rate are modeled using OMH schemas. These models can be used to represent instance of the measurement “over the wire” in JSON. For example, using the step-count schema, a step count is represented as:

  "header": {
    "id": "243c773b-8936-407e-9c23-270d0ea49cc4",
    "creation_date_time": "2015-09-10T12:43:39.138-06:00",
    "acquisition_provenance": {
      "source_name": "Jawbone UP API",
      "modality": "sensed",
      "source_updated_date_time": "2015-09-10T18:43:39Z"
    "schema_id": {
      "namespace": "omh",
      "name": "step_count",
      "version": "1.0"
    "user_id": "306a1202-410d-11e8-842f-0ed5f89f718b"
  "body": {
    "effective_time_frame": {
      "time_interval": {
        "start_date_time": "2015-08-06T05:11:09-07:00",
        "end_date_time": "2015-08-06T23:00:36-06:00"
    "step_count": 7939

The OMH schema can be transformed into FHIR data models - more specifically “Logical Models” that allow for a more ‘FHR-like’ view of the schema and a way to computationally map between FHIR and omh. For example, this would allow the following transformation between the step count example and a FHIR representation using the Observation Resource:



Other mappings:

Quick Start Mapping Guide

Formal FHIR Logical Models are included in this guide for mapping the models directly using a formal mapping syntax. However, the tables and templates below are provided to for quicks mappings an OMH schema instance to a FHIR quantitative Observation resource instance. These can be used to perform simple string substitution and simple concept mappings methods to generate FHIR Observations. An example python application using these tables and string templates is available

OMH Header Element to FHIR Element Mapping Table

Each OMH schema for a datapoint is composed of the ‘header’ and ‘body, This table is a map of the relatively static OMH heady element to the corresponding OMH to FHIR Observation Profile element. Each datapoint schema represents the body’s properties and will be covered individually.

OMH element FHIR element
template profile OMH to FHIR Observation Profile Observation.identifier
header.creation_date_time Observation.issued
header.schema_id None
header.schema_id.namespace None Observation.category,Observation.code ( see datapoint mapping table below )
header.schema_id.version None
header.acquisition_provenance None
header.acquisition_provenance.source_name Observation.device
header.acquisition_provenance.source_data_point_id Observation.identifier
header.acquisition_provenance.source_creation_date_time None
header.acquisition_provenance.last_modification_data_time None
header.acquisition_provenance.modality Observation.device.extension
header.user_id Observation.subject

Data Point Mapping Table

Each Datapoint is represented by the body properties and this table is a summarey of the OMH datapoint schema type as represented by the element to the corresponding FHIR Observation category and ‘code’ elements and default units for quantitative measures. Observation.category.code Observation.code.system Observation.code.code Observation.code.display observation_value_quantity_unit(s) (list) descriptive_statistic descriptive_statistic_denominator components
acceleration physical-activity 80493-0 Activity level [Acceleration] None False False []
ambient_temperature None 60832-3 Room temperature None False False []
blood_glucose laboratory 2339-0 Glucose Mass/volume in Blood [‘mg/dL’, ‘mmol/L’] True False [‘temporal_relationship_to_sleep’, ‘temporal_relationship_to_meal’]
blood_pressure vital-signs 85354-9 Blood pressure panel with all children optional None True False [‘diastolic_blood_pressure’, ‘systolic_blood_pressure’]
body_fat_percentage exam 41982-0 Percentage of body fat Measured [’%’] True False []
body_height vital-signs 8302-2 Body height [‘cm’, ‘in’] False False []
body_mass_index vital-signs 39156-5 Body mass index (BMI) Ratio [‘kg/m^2’] True False []
body_temperature vital-signs 8310-5 Body temperature [‘K’,’F’,’C’] True False [‘temporal_relationship_to_sleep’]
body_weight vital-signs 29463-7 Body weight [‘kg’, ‘g’, ‘lb’] True False []
breath_carbon_monoxide laboratory 251900003 Expired carbon monoxide concentration (observable entity) None False False []
calories_burned physical-activity 41981-2 Calories burned [‘kcal’] True True []
diastolic_blood_pressure vital-signs 8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure [‘mmHg’] False False []
expiratory_time exam 60739-0 Expiration Time Respiratory system None False False []
geoposition physical-activity geoposition Geoposition None False False []
heart_rate vital-signs 8867-4 Heart rate [‘beats/min’] True False [‘temporal_relationship_to_physical_activity’, ‘temporal_relationship_to_sleep’]
inspiratory_time exam 60740-8 Inspiration Time Respiratory system None False False []
magnetic_force physical-activity magnetic_force Magnetic Force Panel None False False []
medication_adherence_percent Survey 418633004 Medication compliance (observable entity) None False False []
minute_volume exam 20139-2 Volume expired 1 minute None False False []
minutes_moderate_activity physical-activity 408581006 Physical activity target moderate exercise (finding) [‘min’] False False []
orientation vital-signs orientation Gyroscope measurement Panel None False False []
oxygen_saturation vital-signs 59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry [’%’] True False [‘supplemental_oxygen_flow_rate’, ‘oxygen_therapy_mode_of_administration’]
pace physical-activity pace Pace None False False []
physical_activity physical-activity 68130003 Physical activity (observable entity) None False False []
respiratory_rate vital-signs 9279-1 Respiratory Rate [‘breaths/min’] True False [‘temporal_relationship_to_physical_activity’]
rr_interval exam 8637-1 R_R interval by EKG None False False []
sleep_duration physical-activity 248263006 Duration of sleep (observable entity) [‘sec’, ‘min’, ‘h’] True True []
sleep_episode physical-activity 258158006 Sleep, function (observable entity) None False False []
speed physical-activity C0678536 Speed None False False []
step_count physical-activity 55423-8 Number of steps in unspecified time Pedometer [‘steps’] True True []
systolic_blood_pressure vital-signs 8480-6 Systolic blood pressure [‘mmHg’] False False []
ventilation_cycle_time exam 250818005 Ventilation cycle time (observable entity) None False False []

Data Point Component Mapping Table

Some Datapoints properties are represented by the FHIR Observation.component element in FHIR. This table summarizes these OMH datapoint schema properties and list the corresponding OMH propertied name in the Component Name column and its corresponding FHIR Observation component code and valuetype attributes. This table is used along with the OMH to FHIR concept mapping table to to populate the the Observation template below.

Component Name Component Code System Component Code Code Component Code Display Component Value Type
body_posture 271605009 Position of body and posture (observable entity) valueCodeableConcept
diastolic_blood_pressure 8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure valueQuantity
systolic_blood_pressure 8480-6 Systolic blood pressure valueQuantity
temporal_relationship_to_meal relative-to-meal OMH to FHIR Temporal Relationship To Meal valueCodeableConcept
temporal_relationship_to_physical_activity relative-to-activity OMH to FHIR Temporal Relationship To Physical Activity valueCodeableConcept
temporal_relationship_to_sleep relative-to-sleep OMH to FHIR Temporal Relationship To Sleep valueCodeableConcept

Observation Template

This FHIR Observation template is an instance view of the above mappings and can be populated with data from OMH schemas to create a FHIR Observation instance.

       "resourceType": "Observation",
       "id": {{server_assigned_resource_id}},  //note 1,2,6
       "meta": {
       "profile" : [""]  // note 7
     "extension" : [{
         "url" : {{observation_specimen_code_extension_url}},
         "valueCodeableConcept": {
         "coding": [
             "system": {{observation_specimen_code_system}},
             "code": {{observation_specimen_code_code}},
             "display": {{observation_specimen_code_display}}
         "text": {{observation_specimen_code_text}}
       "identifier"  : [{
       "system" : "", //note 7
       "value" : {{}} //note 3
       "status": "unknown",  //note 9
       "category": [  //note 4
           "coding": [
               "system": "",
               "code": {{observation_category_code}},
               "display": {{observation_category_display}}
       "code": {   //note 4
         "coding": [
             "system": {{observation_code_system}},
             "code": {{observation_code_code}},
             "display": {{observation_code_display}}
          "system" : {{addl_observation_coding_system}}, //note 12
          "code" : {{addl_observation_coding_code}},
          "display" : {{addl_observation_coding_display}}
       "subject": {  //note 8
         "identifier" : {
       "system" : "",
       "value" : {{header.user_id}}
       "effectiveDateTime" : {{body.effective_time_frame.date_time}},  //note 11
       "effectivePeriod" : {  //note 11
          "start" : {{body.effective_time_frame.time_interval.start_date_time}}, 
          "end" : {{body.effective_time_frame.time_interval.end_date_time}}
       "issued": {{header.creation_date_time}},
       "valueQuantity" : {  //note 10
         "value" : {observation_value_quantity_value},
         "unit" : {{observation_value_quantity_unit}},
         "system" : {{observation_value_quantity_system}}, 
         "code" : {{observation_value_quantity_code}}
        "comment" : {{body.user_notes}},
        "device" : {
        "extension" : [{
          "url" : "",
          "valueCode" : {{header.acquisition_provenance.modality}}
        "display" : {{header.acquisition_provenance.source_name}}
        "component": [{observation_componentx}]  //note 5

observation_componentx Subtemplates

This FHIR Observation sub template is an instance view of the Observation component element derived from the OMH schema e and can be populated with data to create a FHIR Observation instance.

,"component" : [{
    "code" : { 
      "coding" : [{ 
        "system" :"",
        "code" : "{{observation_component_code_code}}", 
        "display" : "{{observation_component_code_display}}"
    "valueCodeableConcept" : { 
      "coding" : [{ 
        "system" : "{{observation_component_value_codeableconcept_system}}", 
        "code" : "{{observation_component_value_codeableconcept_code}}", 
        "display" : "{{observation_component_value_codeableconcept_display}}"
        "text" : "{{observation_component_value_codeableconcept_text}}"
       "valueQuantity" : {
         "value" : {{observation_component_value_quantity_value}},
         "unit" : "{{observation_component_value_quantity_unit}}",
         "system" : "{{observation_component_value_quantity_system}}", 
         "code" : "{{observation_component_value_quantity_code}}"

Notes on template usage:

  1. Template variables are represented using the “{{}}” syntax
  2. Note that when present, FHIR elements cannot be empty. Therefore, all ‘null’ values (i.e.,undefined, Null, None, or ‘’ values or empty json objects or lists) are removed from the resource after the OMH data is mapped to it.
  3. Variable such as {{}} represent OMH data elements in dot notation mapped directly from the header schema.
  4. Variables in “snake case” are such as {{observation_category_code}} {{observation_code_code}} represent the corresponding dot notation columns in the OMH Data Point Mapping Table provided above(which are based on the
  5. the variables {{observation-valuex}} (the actual result values), {{observation-effectivex}} (the actual times the measurements occurred ) and {{observation-componentx}} are subtemplates and are mapped from the body schema for each of the datapoints.
  6. {{server_assigned_resource_id}} is a assigned by the server when the resource is created and is typically not mapped from the OMH schema instance.
  7. The profile element is the FHIR profiles this resource claims will conform to when fully populated.
  8. The namespaces, “” and “” are use to assign a system to shimmer generated ids.
  9. The status element is required in FHIR Observation and since omh schema don’t have status its values is hardcoded to ‘unknown’
  10. The measurement value ( e.g., step-count) and units derived from the descriptive statistics schema and can be populated with data to create a FHIR Observation instance.
  11. There is a choice of datetime or time period mappings over which the measurement occurred for the step count schema and can be populated with data it to create a FHIR Observation instance. Note that the empty values will be removed from the instance.
  12. Additional codings are derived from the descriptive statistics schema using a compositional code consisting of the concatenation of the datapoint schema name with the descriptive statistic code in “spinal case” ( e.g step-count-maximum). If the descriptive statistics is absent the schema, there are no additional codings in the OMH to FHIR instance.

Mapping Strategy

In order to map the OMH schema to FHIR, the OMH Schemas are divided conceptually into several categories. The infrastructural schema model serves as a basic blueprint for creation of OMH schema and is not used in the mappings. The infrastructural data-point schema provide the basic framework upon which the data-points schemas are based and serves as the backbone for creation of the FHIR logical model. It is made up of a header property representing MedicationDispense information and a body property representing one of the omh schemas that represent a measurements i.e., ‘a data point’.

OMH Header Schema Mapping to FHIR elements

The OMH header schema represent data MedicationDispense and the properties in the header schema map to more than a single FHIR element. In addition, depending on the depth and level of detail required, there are multiple options to representing MedicationDispense including:

These options are summarized in the table below and described in detail in the data point logical model mappings.

Source = OMH Schema Target = FHIR Element OMH FHIR Logical Model
header-1.2.json Observation|MedicationDispense Profile  

The rest of the omh schemas represent either data points or more granular reusable elements or concepts that can be referenced within the data-point schemas. Each reusable omh schema are mapped primitive and complex datatypes as shown below. In addition some of these schemas enumerate values which are bound) to FHIR ValueSets. The reusable schemas are mapped directly to fhir artifacts as described below and these mapping replace the omh schema references when transforming an OMH data point schema into a FHIR Logical Model.

OMH Schema Mappings to FHIR Datatypes

In this table, the schemas representing primitive and complex data-types are mapped directly to the corresponding FHIR datatype. Listed in the FHIR ValueSet column the corresponding FHIR ValueSets and binding strength for the schemas that map to the FHIR code, an units values for the Quantity, and Range dataypes.

  • Where a value is fixed such as for acceleration-unit-value-1.0.json, a fixed Pattern is associated with the schema which directly applied to the FHIR logical models when the schema is referenced.
  • Where the unit value is an enumeration of units a FHIR ValueSet is associated with the schema.
  • Both the patterns and ValueSets contain UCUM based units.
  • For data point schemas that reference schemas associated with ValueSets (such as unit-value-1.0.json), the actual units and hence the patterns applied to the FHIR logical models van be further constrained by the data point schema themselves.
Source = OMH Schema Target = FHIR Element FHIR Quantity Pattern or ValueSet(binding strength) FHIR Example
activity-name string    
date-time dateTime    
full-date dateTime    
local-time string    
body-location code body-location  
body-posture code body-posture  
day-of-week code day-of-week  
descriptive-statistic code descriptive-statistic  
descriptive-statistic-denominator code descriptive-statistic-denominator  
intervention-administration-route code intervention-administration-route  
medication-dose-unit code medication-dose-unit  
part-of-day code part-of-day  
position-during-measurement code position-during-measurement  
specimen-source code specimen-source  
temporal-relationship-to-meal code temporal-relationship-to-meal  
temporal-relationship-to-physical-activity code temporal-relationship-to-physical-activity  
temporal-relationship-to-sleep code temporal-relationship-to-sleep  
acceleration-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity {“unit”:”m/s^2”,”system”:””,”code”:”m/s2”}  
angular-velocity-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity {“unit”:”ad/s”,”system”:””,”code”:”ad/s”}  
area-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity area-unit-value (required)  
duration-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity duration-unit-value (required)  
duration-unit-value-range-1.0.json Range duration-unit-value (required)  
frequency-unit-value-1.0.json Ratio duration-unit-value (required)  
kcal-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity {“unit”:”kcal”,”system”:””,”code”:”kcal”}  
length-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity length-unit-value (required)  
magnetic-flux-density-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity magnetic-flux-density-unit-value (required)  
mass-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity mass-unit-value (required)  
medication-dose-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity medication-dose-unit (extensible)  
medication-dose-unit-value-range-1.0.json Range medication-dose-unit-value (extensible)  
pace-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity pace-unit-value (required)  
plane-angle-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity {“unit”:”deg”,”system”:””,”code”:”deg”}  
speed-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity speed-unit-value (required)  
temperature-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity temperature-unit-value (required)  
unit-value-1.0.json Quantity unit-value (required)  
unit-value-range-1.0.json Range unit-value (required)  
volume-unit-value-1.0.json Quantity volume-unit-value (required)  
time-frame-1.0.json dateTime|Period    
time-interval-1.0.json |Period    

OMH datapoint Schema Mappings to FHIR Resources

Logical Models for each datapoint schema are mapped to a FHIR Logical Model before being mapped to the target FHIR resource profile as listed in the table below. The concept code for the measurement is in the description property of the schema are listed in the Observation.code column. For Schema that are mapped to Observation, this code is mapped to code in then Observation resource.:

Source = OMH Schema OMH FHIR Logical Model Target = FHIR Element Observation.code
acceleration-1.0.json OmhAcceleration Observation Profile Open mHealth to FHIR code (Acceleration Panel)
ambient-temperature-1.0.json OmhAmbientTemperature Observation Profile 60832-3 Room temperature
blood-glucose-2.0.json OmhBloodGlucose Observation Profile 2339-0 Glucose [Mass/​volume] in Blood
blood-pressure-2.0.json OmhBloodPressure Observation Profile 85354-9 Blood pressure panel with all children optional
body-fat-percentage-1.0.json OmhBodyFatPercentage Observation Profile 41982-0 Percentage of body fat Measured
body-height-1.0.json OmhBodyHeight Observation Profile 8302-2 Body height
body-mass-index-2.0.json OmhBodyMassIndex Observation Profile 39156-5 Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio]
body-temperature-2.0.json OmhBodyTemperature Observation Profile 8310-5 Body temperature
body-weight-1.0.json OmhBodyWeight Observation Profile 29463-7 Body weight
breath-carbon-monoxide-1.0.json OmhBreathCarbonMonoxide Observation Profile 251900003 Expired carbon monoxide concentration (observable entity)
calories-burned-2.0.json OmhCaloriesBurned Observation Profile 41981-2 Calories burned
diastolic-blood-pressure-1.0.json OmhDiastolicBloodPressure Observation Profile 8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure
expiratory-time-1.0.json OmhExpiratoryTime Observation Profile 60739-0 Expiration [Time] Respiratory system
geoposition-1.0.json OmhGeoposition Location Profile  
heart-rate-1.1.json OmhHeartRate Observation Profile 8867-4 Heart rate
inspiratory-time-1.0.json OmhInspiratoryTime Observation Profile 60740-8 Inspiration [Time] Respiratory system
magnetic-force-1.0.json OmhMagneticForce Observation Profile Open mHealth to FHIR code (Magnetic Force Panel)
medication-1.0.json OmhMedication Medication Profile  
medication-adherence-percent-2.0.json OmhMedicationAdherencePercent Observation Profile 418633004 Medication compliance (observable entity)
medication-prescription-2.0.json OmhMedicationPrescription MedicationRequest Profile  
minute-volume-1.0.json OmhMinuteVolume Observation Profile 20139-2 Volume expired 1 minute
minutes-moderate-activity-1.0.json OmhMinutesModerateActivity Observation Profile 408581006 Physical activity target moderate exercise (finding)
orientation-1.0.json OmhOrientation Observation Profile Open mHealth to FHIR code (Gyroscope measurement Panel)
oxygen-saturation-1.0.json OmhOxygenSaturation Observation Profile 59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry
pace-1.0.json OmhPace Observation Profile Open mHealth to FHIR code (Pace)
patient-medication-schedule-2.0.json OmhPatientMedicationSchedule Observation Profile ???
pharmacy-medication-dispensing-2.0.json OmhPharmacyMedicationDispensing MedicationDispense Profile  
physical-activity-1.2.json OmhPhysicalActivity Observation Profile 68130003 Physical activity (observable entity)
reason-single-medication-dose-not-taken-1.0.json OmhReasonSingleMedicationDoseNotTaken MedicationStatement Profile  
respiratory-rate-1.0.json OmhRespiratoryRate Observation Profile 9279-1 Respiratory Rate
rr-interval-1.0.json OmhRrInterval Observation Profile 8637-1 R-R interval by EKG
single-medication-dose-taken-1.0.json OmhSingleMedicationDoseTaken MedicationStatement Profile  
sleep-duration-2.0.json OmhSleepDuration Observation Profile 248263006 Duration of sleep (observable entity)
sleep-episode-1.0.json OmhSleepEpisode Observation Profile 258158006 Sleep, function (observable entity)
speed-1.0.json OmhSpeed Observation Profile C0678536 NCIT code
step-count-2.0.json OmhStepCount Observation Profile 55423-8 Number of steps in unspecified time Pedometer
systolic-blood-pressure-1.0.json OmhSystolicBloodPressure Observation Profile 8480-6 Systolic blood pressure
ventilation-cycle-time-1.0.json OmhVentilationCycleTime Observation Profile 250818005 Ventilation cycle time (observable entity)

Mapping Example

The transformation from the OMH data-point schema to the FHIR Logical models and from the FHIR Logical model to the FHIR resource is straightforward and demonstrated below.


  • elements with a value of Null are not transmitted in FHIR
  • some elements require a mapping to a codes using the translation tables in this Guide.

OMH Stepcount Datapoint instance

      "header": {
        "id": "243c773b-8936-407e-9c23-270d0ea49cc4",
        "creation_date_time": "2015-09-10T12:43:39.138-06:00",
        "acquisition_MedicationDispense": {
          "source_name": "Jawbone UP API",
          "modality": "sensed",
          "source_updated_date_time": "2015-09-10T18:43:39Z"
        "schema_id": {
          "namespace": "omh",
          "name": "step-count",
          "version": "1.0"
        "user_id": "306a1202-410d-11e8-842f-0ed5f89f718b"
      "body": {
        "effective_time_frame": {
          "time_interval": {
            "start_date_time": "2015-08-06T05:11:09-07:00",
            "end_date_time": "2015-08-06T23:00:36-06:00"
        "step_count": 7939

Converting this datapoint instance to dot notation representation here to show more clearly the mapping to the FHIR Observation Resource data elements

    O.header = "243c773b-8936-407e-9c23-270d0ea49cc4"
        O.header.creation_date_time = "2015-09-10T12:43:39.138-06:00"
          O.header.acquisition_MedicationDispense.source_name = "Jawbone UP API"
          O.header.acquisition_MedicationDispense.modality = "sensed"
          O.header.acquisition_MedicationDispense.source_updated_date_time = "2015-09-10T18:43:39Z"
          O.header.schema_id.namespace  = "omh"
 =  "step-count"
          O.header.schema_id.version = "1.0"
        O.header.user_id = 306a1202-410d-11e8-842f-0ed5f89f718b"
            O.body.effective_time_frame.time_interval.start_date_time = "2015-08-06T05:11:09-07:00"
            O.body.effective_time_frame.time_interval.end_date_time ="2015-08-06T23:00:36-06:00"
        O.body.step_count = 7939

**This OMH Schema instance maps to the FHIR Observation Resource directly as follows: ** (using the syntax %(foo) to represent the replacement variables in the resource) ‘’

          "resourceType": "Observation",
        	"id": "steps-example //  this is a server assigned resource id",
          "meta": {
          "source" : "%(OmhDataPoint.header.acqusitionProvenance.sourceName)",
          "profile // Profiles this resource claims to conform to" : [""]
          "identifier  : [
          "system" : " // The namespace for the identifier value",
          "value" : "%(OmhDataPoint.header.Id)",
          "status": "unknown // this is required in fhir - omh schema don't have status",
        	"category // optional category field to indicate is an activity vs say a lab result": [  
        			"coding": [
        					"system": "",
        					"code": "activity",
        					"display": "Activity"
        	"code // code mapping from see mapping table in IG": {
        		"coding": [
        				"system": "",
        				"code": "55423-8",
        				"display": "Number of steps in unspecified time Pedometer"
        		"text": "Step count"
        	"subject": {
        		"identifier" : {
          "system" : " // The namespace for the identifier value",
          "value" : "%(OmhDataPoint.header.user_id)",
        	"effectivePeriod // mapped from OmhDataPoint.body.effectiveTimeFrame":
          "start" : "%(OmhDataPoint.body.effective_time_frame.time_interval.start_date_time)",
          "end" : "%(OmhDataPoint.body.effective_time_frame.time_interval.end_date_time)"
        	"issued": "%(OmhDataPoint.header.creation_date_time)",

        	"valueQuantity  // the actual results mapped from body.step_count  - note that I added optional UCUM units from the lookup tables": {
        		"value": %(OmhDataPoint.body.stepCount),
        		"unit": "steps",
        		"system": "",
        		"code": "{steps}"
           "device //  could be mapped from OmhDataPoint.header.acqusitionProvenance elements as well" :
           {"display" : "%(OmhDataPoint.header.acqusitionProvenance.sourceName)"}