Health eData 1 Sandbox
0.1.0 - CI Build

Health eData 1 Sandbox - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions


Page standards status: Informative

Escape curly braces

{This is really fun}

{{[‘fun/time’][‘description’]}} : This is really fun

Create Pretty List with Liquid

My new stuff

  • “USCoreNonLaboratoryCodes”
  • “USCoreObservationCategoryValueSet”
  • “USCoreSurveyCodes”
  • “USCoreOccupationProfile”
  • “USCorePregnancyStatusProfile”
  • “QuestionnaireUrl”

{%- assign black_list = "Extension,Provenance,Medication,Organization,Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Location" | split:"," -%}
{%- for sd_hash in -%}
  {%- assign sd = sd_hash[1] -%}
  {%- unless black_list contains sd.type -%}
    {%- for r_hash in -%}
      {%- assign r = r_hash[1] -%}
      {%- if == -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
  {%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
  • US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile
  • US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile
  • US Core Simple Observation Profile
  • US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile
  • US Core Blood Pressure Profile
  • US Core Vital Signs Profile

{%- assign black_list = "Extension,Provenance,Medication,Organization,Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Location" | split:"," -%}
{% assign r_list = "" %}
{%- for sd_hash in -%}
  {%- assign sd = sd_hash[1] -%}
  {%- unless black_list contains sd.type -%}
       {% capture r_list %}{{ r_list | append: sd.type | append: "," }}{% endcapture %}
  {%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% assign ur_list = r_list | split: "," | uniq | sort %}
{% for r in  ur_list %}
{% endfor %}
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Observation

{%- for sd_hash in -%}
  {%- assign sd1= sd_hash[1] -%}
  {% assign types =  types | append: "," | append: sd1.type %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign my_types = types | split: "," %}
{% assign my_types = my_types | sort | uniq %}
{% for i in my_types %}
  <strong>{{ i }}</strong>
    {%- for sd_hash in -%}
      {%- assign sd1 = sd_hash[1] -%}
      {%- if sd1.type == i %}
        {%- assign parent = false -%}
        {%- assign child = false -%}
        {%- for sd_hash2 in -%}
          {%- assign sd2 = sd_hash2[1] -%}
          {% if sd1.basename == %}
            {%- assign child = true -%}
            {% break %}
          {% elsif == sd2.basename%}
             {%- assign parent = true -%}
             {% break %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
          {%- unless parent or child -%}
            <li><a href="{{sd1.path}}">{{sd1.title}}</a></li>
          {%- endunless -%}
          {%- if parent -%}
            <li><a href="{{sd1.path}}">{{sd1.title}}(Parent)</a>
                {%- for sd_hash3 in -%}
                  {%- assign sd3 = sd_hash3[1] -%}
                  {% if == sd3.basename %}
                    <li><a href="{{sd3.path}}">{{sd3.title}}(child)</a></li>
                  {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
          {%- endif -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
{% endfor %}




    List highlighting

    • floor
    • bar
    • baz
      • 1
      • 2

    My Awesome Table

    from this…

    ### My Awesome Table
    | **Term** | **Definition** |
    | --- | --- |
    | **Batch File Format** | The file formats used to load data into PLR or receive distributions from PLR in bulk, on a delayed basis. <br /><br />See also Batch XML Format and Batch CSV Format. |
    | **Category** | A "super-role", a category of related Provider Role Types. <br /><br />For example, the category "Nurse" might contain many Provider Role Types such as "LPN", RN" and so on; the category "Doctors" might contain all Provider role types assigned to doctors, and so on. |
    {: .grid}

    to this…


    Term Definition
    Batch File Format The file formats used to load data into PLR or receive distributions from PLR in bulk, on a delayed basis.

    See also Batch XML Format and Batch CSV Format.
    Category A “super-role”, a category of related Provider Role Types.

    For example, the category “Nurse” might contain many Provider Role Types such as “LPN”, RN” and so on; the category “Doctors” might contain all Provider role types assigned to doctors, and so on.

    test code block

    svg file

    <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no”?>yescondition AText 1yescondition BText 2yescondition CText 3yescondition DnothingText 4Text else<!--MD5=[bb912d9427ff8b649e9ce4d57f1ca285] @startuml start if (condition A) then (yes) :Text 1; elseif (condition B) then (yes) :Text 2; stop elseif (condition C) then (yes) :Text 3; elseif (condition D) then (yes) :Text 4; else (nothing) :Text else; endif stop @enduml

    PlantUML version 1.2021.10(Mon Aug 30 13:43:48 UTC 2021) (GPL source distribution) Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Default Encoding: UTF-8 Language: en Country: US –></g></svg>

    Code Blocks

    manually added linenow

    1:  differential:
    2:    element:
    3:      - id: Observation
    4:        path: Observation
    5:      - id: 'Observation.meta'
    6:        path: 'Observation.meta'
    7:        min: 1
    8:        mustSupport: true

    linenos with liquid/Jekyll

          - id: Observation
           path: Observation
          - id: 'Observation.meta'
            path: 'Observation.meta'
            min: 1
            mustSupport: true

    using classses

    1:  differential:
    2:    element:
    3:      - id: Observation
    4:        path: Observation
    5:      - id: 'Observation.meta'
    6:        path: 'Observation.meta'
    7:        min: 1
    8:        mustSupport: true

    Bootstrap Panels

    Stacked Panels

    USCDI Logo

    US Core Data for Interoperability USCD V3

    Allergies and Intolerances
    Allergies and Intolerances US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile COMMENT
        •Substance (Medication)
        •Substance (Drug Class)
    Care Team Members
    Care Team Members US Core CareTeam Profile
    Clinical Notes
    Clinical Notes US Core DocumentReference Profile
    US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange
        •Consultation Note
        •Discharge Summary Note
        •History & Physical
        •Imaging Narrative
        •Laboratory Report Narrative
        •Pathology Report Narrative
        •Procedure Note
        •Progress Note See Clinical Notes Guidance
    Clinical Tests
    Clinical Tests US Core Observation Clinical Test Result Profile
    US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange
        •Clinical Test
        •Clinical Test Result/Report
    Diagnostic Imaging
    Diagnostic Imaging US Core Observation Imaging Result Profile
    US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange
        •Diagnostic Imaging Test
        •Diagnostic Imaging Result/Report
    Encounter US Core Encounter Profile
        •Diagnosis US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile
    Foo US Core Foo Profile
        •Bar US Core Foo Profile Bar
        •Patient Goals US Core Goal Profile
        •SDOH Goals See SDOH Guidance
    Health Insurance Information
    Health Insurance Information US Core Coverage Profile
        •Coverage Status US Core Coverage Profile
        •Coverage Type
        •Relationship to Subscriber
        •Member Identifier
        •Subscriber Identifier
        •Group Number
        •Payer Identifier
    Health Status/Assessments
    Health Status/Assessments
        •Health Concerns US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile
        •Functional Status TODO See Assessments Guidance
        •Disability Status TODO
        •Mental/Cognitive Status TODO
        •Pregnancy Status US Core Observation Pregnancy Status Profile
    US Core Observation Pregnancy Intent Profile
        •Smoking Status US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile
    Immunizations US Core Immunization Profile
    Laboratory US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile
    US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting
        •Specimen Type
        •Result Status
    Medications US Core MedicationRequest Profile
        •Medications See Medication List Guidance
        •Dose Unit of Measure
        •Fill Status US Core MedicationDispense Profile
    Patient Demographics
    Patient Demographics US Core Patient Profile
        •First Name
        •Last Name
        •Previous Name
        •Middle Name (including middle initial)
        •Birth Sex
        •Date of Birth
        •Date of Death
        •Race US Core Race Extension
        •Ethnicity US Core Ethnicity Extension
        •Tribal Affiliation US Core Tribal Affiliation Extension
        •Gender Identity US Core Gender Identity Extension
        •Sexual Orientation US Core Observation Sexual Orientation Profile
        •Preferred Language
        •Previous Address
        •Phone Number
        •Related Person’s Name US Core RelatedPerson Profile
        •Related Person’s Relationship US Core RelatedPerson Profile
        •Occupation US Core Observation Occupation Profile
        •Occupation Industry US Core Observation Occupation Profile
    Problems US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile
        •Date of Resolution
        •Date of Diagnosis
        •SDOH Problems/Health Concerns
    Procedures US Core Procedure Profile
        •Reason for Referral US Core ServiceRequest Profile
        •SDOH Interventions US Core ServiceRequest Profile
    US Core Procedure Profile
    See SDOH Guidance
    Provenance US Core Provenance Profile
        •Author Time Stamp
        •Author Organization
    Unique Device Identifier(s)
    Unique Device Identifier(s) US Core Implantable Device Profile
        •Unique Device Identifier(s) for a Patient’s Implantable Device(s)
    Vital Signs
    Vital Signs US Core Vital Signs Profile
        •Diastolic blood pressure US Core Blood Pressure Profile
        •Systolic blood pressure US Core Blood Pressure Profile
        •Body height US Core Body Height Profile
        •Body weight US Core Body Weight Profile
        •Heart rate US Core Heart Rate Profile
        •Respiratory rate US Core Respiratory Rate Profile
        •Body temperature US Core Body Temperature Profile
        •Pulse oximetry US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile
        •Inhaled oxygen concentration US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile
        •BMI Percentile (2-20 years old) US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile
        •Weight-for-length Percentile (Birth - 36 months) US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile
        •Occipital-frontal Head Circumference Percentile (Birth - 36 months) US Core Pediatric Head Occipital Frontal Circumference Observation Profile

    Sorting using Liquid

    original collection:

    {“pediatric-bmi-for-age”=>{“index”=>0, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCorePediatricBMIforAgeObservationProfile”, “title”=>”US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-pediatric-bmi-for-age.html”, “kind”=>”resource”, “type”=>”Observation”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”USCoreVitalSignsProfile”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Wed Nov 18 00:00:00 UTC 2020”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>”Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License”, “description”=>”To promote interoperability and adoption through common implementation, this profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search, and fetch pediatric body mass index (BMI) percentile per age and sex for youth 2-20 observations in FHIR using a standard LOINC code and UCUM units of measure. It is based on the US Core Vital Signs Profile and identifies which additional core elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets SHALL be present and constrains the way the elements are used when using the profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases.”}, “pediatric-weight-for-height”=>{“index”=>1, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCorePediatricWeightForHeightObservationProfile”, “title”=>”US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-pediatric-weight-for-height.html”, “kind”=>”resource”, “type”=>”Observation”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”USCoreVitalSignsProfile”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2022”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>”Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License”, “description”=>”To promote interoperability and adoption through common implementation, this profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search, and fetch pediatric weight-for-length per age and gender observations in FHIR with a standard LOINC code and UCUM units of measure. It is based on the US Core Vital Signs Profile and identifies which additional core elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets SHALL be present and constrains the way the elements are used when using the profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases.”}, “us-core-simple-observation”=>{“index”=>2, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCoreSimpleObservationProfile”, “title”=>”US Core Simple Observation Profile”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-us-core-simple-observation.html”, “kind”=>”resource”, “type”=>”Observation”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”Observation”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2022”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>nil, “description”=>”This US Core FHIR Profile is meant to capture any “simple” observations that are not otherwise covered by other US Core Observation profiles. It represents any type of observation that is not classified as vital signs, laboratory, imaging, or other more specific observation types. This profile promotes interoperability and adoption through common implementation by setting minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search, and retrieve observations such as a clinical observation or assertion about a patient’s health status or other general observations. This profile identifies which core elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets SHALL be present in the resource and constrains the way the elements are used when using this profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases.”}, “us-core-allergyintolerance”=>{“index”=>3, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCoreAllergyIntolerance”, “title”=>”US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-us-core-allergyintolerance.html”, “kind”=>”resource”, “type”=>”AllergyIntolerance”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”AllergyIntolerance”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2022”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>nil, “description”=>”To promote interoperability and adoption through common implementation, this profile sets minimum expectations for the AllergyIntolerance resource to record, search, and fetch allergies/adverse reactions associated with a patient. It identifies which core elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets SHALL be present and constrains the way the elements are used when using the profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases.”}, “us-core-birthsex”=>{“index”=>4, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCoreBirthSexExtension”, “title”=>”US Core Birth Sex Extension”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-us-core-birthsex.html”, “kind”=>”complex-type”, “type”=>”Extension”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”Extension”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Mon May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2023”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>nil, “description”=>”A code classifying the person’s sex assigned at birth as specified by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC). This extension aligns with the C-CDA Birth Sex Observation (LOINC 76689-9). This extension is no longer a USCDI Requirement with the introduction of the US Core Sex Extension in version 6.1.0.”, “contexts”=>[{“type”=>”Element ID”, “expression”=>”Patient”}], “extension-contexts”=>[“Patient”]}, “us-core-blood-pressure”=>{“index”=>5, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCoreBloodPressureProfile”, “title”=>”US Core Blood Pressure Profile”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-us-core-blood-pressure.html”, “kind”=>”resource”, “type”=>”Observation”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”USCoreVitalSignsProfile”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2022”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>”Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License”, “description”=>”To promote interoperability and adoption through common implementation, this profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search, and fetch diastolic and systolic blood pressure observations with standard LOINC codes and UCUM units of measure. It is based on the US Core Vital Signs Profile and identifies which additional core elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets SHALL be present and constrains the way the elements are used when using the profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases.”}, “us-core-vital-signs”=>{“index”=>6, “url”=>””, “name”=>”USCoreVitalSignsProfile”, “title”=>”US Core Vital Signs Profile”, “path”=>”StructureDefinition-us-core-vital-signs.html”, “kind”=>”resource”, “type”=>”Observation”, “base”=>””, “basename”=>”observation-vitalsigns”, “basepath”=>””, “status”=>”active”, “date”=>”Tue Nov 17 00:00:00 UTC 2020”, “abstract”=>false, “derivation”=>”constraint”, “publisher”=>”Health eData Inc”, “copyright”=>”Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License”, “description”=>”To promote interoperability and adoption through common implementation, this profile is based on the base FHIR Vital Signs Profile and defines additional constraints on the Observation resource to represent vital signs observations. It identifies which core elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets SHALL be present in the resource and constrains the way the elements are used when using this profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases. This US Core profiles that are derived from this profile are listed below.”}, “maturities”=>{“ImplementationGuide-healthedata1-sandbox”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-pediatric-bmi-for-age”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-pediatric-weight-for-height”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-us-core-simple-observation”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-us-core-allergyintolerance”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-us-core-birthsex”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-us-core-blood-pressure”=>”2”, “StructureDefinition-us-core-vital-signs”=>”2”, “SearchParameter-us-core-allergyintolerance-clinical-status”=>”2”, “ValueSet-us-core-source-of-payment”=>”2”}}

    sorted collection:

    include lines using helper file

    Includes the specified lines from another file. Typically this include is used for fragments of FHIR resources and therefore is wrapped in a code block. It also optionally displays the line number of the included fragment. The line number is the line number in the source file, not the line number in the output file.

    this helper lives in the input/images folder not the include file folder

    ├── examples
    │   ├── Patient-deceased-example.json
    │   └── patient-example.json
    ├── fsh
    │   ├── fsh
    │   ├── my-extensions.fsh
    │   └── my-profiles.fsh
    ├── ignoreWarnings.txt
    ├── images
    │   ├── cat.jpg
    │   ├── includelines  <<<< HERE
    ├── includes  <<<< NOT HERE
    │   ├──

    Usage: {% include_relative includelines filename=PATH start=INT|STR count=INT|STR %}

    • filename: path to file in temp/pages (use _include/file.ext for includes files ) NOTE MARKDOWN IS RENDERED IN THE INCLUDED FILE :-(
    • start: integer (only 1) or common separated string (> 1) of first line numbers to include, starting at 1
    • count: integer (only 1) or common separated string (> 1) of number of lines to include
    • linenumber: optional boolean to display line number (default is false)

    The start and count item are aggregated into a (start, count) tuple and therefore need to be the same size. If there are more than one start and count items, ellipses (“…”) will be inserted between the line fragments. The helper file checks if the line overlap. If they do it will print a warning message instead of your intended output.


    1. single fragment:


    {% include_relative includelines filename=’Patient-deceased-example.json’ start=1 count=15 linenumber=true rel=true %}


    1    "resourceType" : "Patient",
    2    "id" : "deceased-example",
    3    "meta" : {
    4      "extension" : [{
    5        "url" : "",
    6        "valueString" : "Deceased Patient Example"
    7      },
    8      {
    9        "url" : "",
    10        "valueMarkdown" : "This is a deceased patient example for the *US Core Patient Profile*."
    11      }],
    12      "profile" : ["|0.1.0"]
    13    },
    14    "text" : {
    15      "status" : "extensions",

    2. multiple fragments separated by “…”:


    {% include_relative includelines filename=’Patient-deceased-example.json’ start = “10,20,30” count=”5,5,5” %}


    10        "valueMarkdown" : "This is a deceased patient example for the *US Core Patient Profile*."
    11      }],
    12      "profile" : ["|0.1.0"]
    13    },
    14    "text" : {
    20        "url" : "ombCategory",
    21        "valueCoding" : {
    22          "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238",
    23          "code" : "2106-3",
    24          "display" : "White"
    30          "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238",
    31          "code" : "2028-9",
    32          "display" : "Asian"
    33        }
    34      },

    3. The helper file checks if the line overlap. If they do it will print a warning message instead of your intended output. The following will result in a warning message because the start line (15) is less than the previous plus the number of lines (20)


    {% include_relative includelines filename=’Patient-deceased-example.json’ start = “10,15,30” count=”10,5,5” %}


          "valueMarkdown" : "This is a deceased patient example for the *US Core Patient Profile*."
        "profile" : ["|0.1.0"]
      "text" : {
        "status" : "extensions",
        "div" : "<div xmlns=\"\">\n\n  <p>\n    <strong>resourceType:</strong>\n    </p>\n  <p>\n    <strong>id:</strong>\n    deceased-example</p>\n\n</div>"
      "extension" : [{
        "extension" : [{
    !!!INCLUDELINES HELPER FILE WARNING OVERLAPPING LINES next startline = 15 <= previous fragment end = 20 - CHECK YOUR SOURCE FILE!!!

    Example button

    Mandatory Operation:

    1. SHALL support fetching documents using the $docref operation.

      This [$docref operation] is used to request a server generate a document based on the specified parameters. This operation is invoked on a FHIR Server’s DocumentReference endpoint (e.g., [base]/DocumentReference/$docref) and operates across all DocumentReference instances returning a Bundle of DocumentReference resources. See the [$docref operation] definition for detailed documentation.

      • The operation can be invoked using the GET Syntax if the complex type parameter is omitted:

        GET [base]/DocumentReference/$docref?{parameters}

      • Otherwise the POST transaction with used as follows:

        POST [base]/DocumentReference/$docref

        The body of the POST contains the [Parameters] resource with the [$docref operation] input parameters.

      Example 1: Request the latest CCD

    Request the latest CCD for a patient using GET syntax

    GET [base]/DocumentReference/$docref?patient=123

    Request the latest CCD for a patient using POST syntax

    POST [base]/DocumentReference/$docref}

    POST request body:

          "resourceType": "Parameters",
          "id": "get-ccd123",
          "parameter": [
              "name": "patient",
              "valueId" : "123"


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    [other headers]

    Response body

          "resourceType": "Bundle",
          "id": "get-ccd123-response",
          "type": "searchset",
          "total": 1,
          "entry": [{
            "fullUrl": "http://server/path/DocumentReference/get-ccd123",
            "resourceType" : "DocumentReference",
            "id" : "get-ccd123",
            "meta" : {
              "profile" : [
            "identifier" : [
                "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
                "value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.99999.1"
            "status" : "current",
            "type" : {
              "coding" : [
                  "system" : "",
                  "code" : "34133-9",
                  "display" : "Summary of episode note"
              "text" : "CCD Document"
            "subject" : {
              "reference" : "Patient/example",
              "display" : "Amy Shaw"
            "created" : "2006-09-01",
            "indexed" : "2016-03-09T15:29:46Z",
            "author" : [
                "reference" : "Practitioner/practitioner-1",
                "display" : "Ronald Bone, MD"
            "description" : "Pulmonology clinic acute visit",
            "content" : [
                "attachment" : {
                  "contentType" : "text/plain",
                  "url" : "/Binary/1-note",
                  "title" : "Uri where the data can be found: [base]/Binary/1-note"
                "format" : {
                  "system" : "urn:oid:",
                  "code" : "urn:hl7-org:sdwg:ccda-structuredBody:2.1",
                  "display" : "Documents following C-CDA constraints using a structured body"
            "context" : {
              "period" : {
                "start" : "2004-12-23T08:00:00+11:00",
                "end" : "2004-12-23T08:01:00+11:00"

    Example 2: Request Procedure Notes and Discharge Summaries for 2019

    Request procedure notes and discharge summaries for 2019 using POST syntax

    POST [base]/DocumentReference/$docref}

    POST request body:

        "resourceType": "Parameters",
        "id": "get-docs",
        "parameter": [
                "name": "patient",
                "valueId": "123"
                "name": "start",
                "valueDateTime": "2019-01-01"
                "name": "end",
                "valueDateTime": "2019-12-31"
                "name": "type",
                "valueCoding": {
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "18842-5",
                    "display": "Discharge summary"
                "name": "type",
                "valueCoding": {
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "28570-0",
                    "display": "Procedures Note"
                "name": "on-demand",
                "valueBoolean": true


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    [other headers]

    Response body

        "resourceType": "Bundle",
        "id": "get-docs-response",
        "type": "searchset",
        "total": 3,
        "entry": [
                "fullUrl": "http://server/path/DocumentReference/procedure-note123",
                "resource": {
                    "resourceType": "DocumentReference",
                    "id": "procedure-note123",
                    "meta": {
                        "profile": [
                    "identifier": [
                            "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
                            "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.99999.1"
                    "status": "current",
                    "category": [
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
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                    "subject": {
                        "reference": "Patient/example",
                        "display": "Amy Shaw"
                    "date": "2022-11-18T20:45:05Z",
                    "author": [
                            "reference": "Practitioner/practitioner-1",
                            "display": "Ronald Bone, MD"
                    "description": "Ureteroscopy",
                    "content": [
                            "attachment": {
                                "contentType": "application/pdf",
                                "url": "/Binary/procedure-note123.pdf"
                    "context": {
                        "period": {
                            "start": "2019-03-01",
                            "end": "2019-03-02"
                "fullUrl": "http://server/path/DocumentReference/procedure-note456",
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                    "status": "current",
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                                "code": "28570-0",
                                "display": "Procedure Note"
                        "text": "Procedure Note"
                    "category": [
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
                                    "code": "clinical-note",
                                    "display": "Clinical Note"
                            "text": "Clinical Note"
                    "subject": {
                        "reference": "Patient/example",
                        "display": "Amy Shaw"
                    "date": "2022-11-18T20:45:05Z",
                    "author": [
                            "reference": "Practitioner/practitioner-1",
                            "display": "Ronald Bone, MD"
                    "description": "Ureteroscopy",
                    "content": [
                            "attachment": {
                                "contentType": "application/pdf",
                                "url": "/Binary/procedure-note456.pdf"
                    "context": {
                        "period": {
                            "start": "2019-06-01",
                            "end": "2019-06-01"
                "fullUrl": "http://server/path/DocumentReference/discharge-summary789",
                "resource": {
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                    "type": {
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                                "display": "Discharge Summary"
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                    "category": [
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
                                    "code": "clinical-note",
                                    "display": "Clinical Note"
                            "text": "Clinical Note"
                    "subject": {
                        "reference": "Patient/example",
                        "display": "Amy Shaw"
                    "date": "2022-11-18T20:45:05Z",
                    "author": [
                            "reference": "Practitioner/practitioner-1",
                            "display": "Ronald Bone, MD"
                    "description": "Ureteroscopy",
                    "content": [
                            "attachment": {
                                "contentType": "application/pdf",
                                "url": "/Binary/discharge-summary789.pdf"
                    "context": {
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                            "start": "2019-03-01",
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    Create Markdown Table from a csv file in the input/data folder Using Liquid Syntax

    Additional USCDI Requirements Profile FHIR Element
    A Communication Language [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.communication
    A Race [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:race
    An Ethnicity [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:ethnicity
    A Tribal Affiliation [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:tribalAffiliation
    A Birth Sex [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:birthsex
    Gender Identity [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:genderIdentity
    Date Of Death [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.deceased[x]
    Previous Address [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.address.use or Patient.address.period
    Previous Name [US Core Patient Profile] or
    Suffix [US Core Patient Profile]
    A Reason Or Indication For Referral Or Consultation [US Core ServiceRequest Profile] ServiceRequest.reasonCode
    A Reason Or Indication For Referral Or Consultation [US Core ServiceRequest Profile] ServiceRequest.reasonReference
    The Reason Or Indication For The Prescription [US Core MedicationRequest Profile] MedicationRequest.reasonCode
    The Reason Or Indication For The Prescription [US Core MedicationRequest Profile] MedicationRequest.reasonReference
    A Reference To The Request For The Procedure [US Core Procedure Profile] Procedure.basedOn
    US Core Document Category [US Core DocumentReference Profile] DocumentReference.category:uscore
    References To An Associated Survey, Assessment, Or Screening Tool [US Core Simple Observation Profile] Observation.derivedFrom

    a html table is done this way …

    Additional USCDI Requirements Profile FHIR Element
    Contact Detail [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.telecom
    A Communication Language [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.communication
    A Race [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:race
    An Ethnicity [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:ethnicity
    A Tribal Affiliation [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:tribalAffiliation
    A Birth Sex [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:birthsex
    Gender Identity [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.extension:genderIdentity
    Date Of Death [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.deceased[x]
    Previous Address [US Core Patient Profile] Patient.address.use or Patient.address.period
    Previous Name [US Core Patient Profile] or
    Suffix [US Core Patient Profile]
    A Reason Or Indication For Referral Or Consultation [US Core ServiceRequest Profile] ServiceRequest.reasonCode
    A Reason Or Indication For Referral Or Consultation [US Core ServiceRequest Profile] ServiceRequest.reasonReference
    The Reason Or Indication For The Prescription [US Core MedicationRequest Profile] MedicationRequest.reasonCode
    The Reason Or Indication For The Prescription [US Core MedicationRequest Profile] MedicationRequest.reasonReference
    A Reference To The Request For The Procedure [US Core Procedure Profile] Procedure.basedOn
    US Core Document Category [US Core DocumentReference Profile] DocumentReference.category:uscore
    References To An Associated Survey, Assessment, Or Screening Tool [US Core Simple Observation Profile] Observation.derivedFrom

    test SD list maker to list alpha-numerically


    The following profiles and have been defined for this implementation guide.





    The following Extensions have been defined as part of the US Core implementation Guide. A registry of standard extensions can be found in the FHIR specification and additional extensions may be registered on the HL7 FHIR registry at
